Updates from the November 2019 Nile Cruise and Jordan Walking Tour.

Trip Recap

Thanks for following another amazing Biblical Study Tour! See with your eyes and hear with your ears some of the adventures we experienced with this recap video

Our King

In Egypt we learned that when the Pharaohs were coronated they went through a secret ritual where man became god. Today our focus was on God who became man. As we walked through the streets of Jerusalem we remembered the man Jesus. As Christians we believe Jesus was both God and ...

In a Cave

This morning we sat in a cave where sheep had spent the night before. It was dark, dank and smelly. Sitting here in this cave, we heard, as if for the first time, the birth story of Jesus. Yes, we had heard this story before but the picture was so ...

Strength in Community

Today we travelled from Taba, Egypt to Petra, Jordan. This involved two border crossings, one from Egypt into Israel and the other from Israel into Jordan. Our plan was to drive directly from one border crossing to another but God had a different plan for our day! We had to ...

Out of Egypt

Today we left our cruise ship in Aswan, boarded a plane, flew to Saint Catharines in the Sinai and then boarded a bus and drove to Taba, the most northern city on the Gulf of Aquaba in Egypt. It was in this area that the Israelites spent 40 years in ...

Living Stones

For the last few days we have been cruising up the Nile River from Luxor towards Aswan. On our trip we have made stops at a variety of temples. We have learned so much in such a short time about Egyptology! Each temple has basically the same ...

Eyes To See

We started this morning standing in a field in Luxor looking at the rich black soil. This soil is silt that has been deposited by the Nile River over the millennia. In Egypt it rarely rains and in ancient times they were dependent on the annual flooding of the Nile ...

Pyramids & the Nile

The Great Pyramids at Giza The sphynx with the pyramid of Kafra behind it Cruising down the Nile in a luxury cruise ship (like the ones seen behind the group) and a quick excursion on smaller feluccas! The hospitality in Egypt is amazing. The people are so kind. Exploring the Cairo Museum The lessons have ...


Today we spent the day in ancient Thebes, modern day Luxor. This was the capitol of Egypt during the New Kingdom period, the time when the Israelites were slaves in Egypt. God called Moses to go to Pharaoh and demand that he let his people go. In Hebrews 11 we are ...

Group Photo

We had a wonderful time exploring the Great Pyramids of Giza!