Under the Fig Tree Bible Study Tours

Living Stones

For the last few days we have been cruising up the Nile River from Luxor towards Aswan. On our trip we have made stops at a variety of temples. We have learned so much in such a short time about Egyptology! Each temple has basically the same design: a pylon gate, a peri style hall, a hypo style hall with columns that have papyrus and lotus capitals, a vestuble and hieroglyphics that cover the interior walls.

The temples are made of stone because stone is eternal. Hieroglyphics, which is sacred writing, are only found on stone. Just as the Bible is our Holy Book, the hieroglyphics on the stone walls and columns of the temples is the holy book of the ancient Egyptians.

Now that we know this we read these words found in 1 Peter 2 with a new perspective:

As you come to him, the living Stone -rejected by humans but chosen by God and precious to him – you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Christ Jesus.

Temples were built of stones, but God’s temple is being built of living stones. We are those living stones. The stones of the Egyptian temples have lasted for thousands of years. The living stones of God’s temple will last to eternity. We are amazed at the temples in Egypt. How much more amazing are the living stones that make up God’s temple!

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