Study Trip Resources
Online Resources
- That the World May Know Ministries (Ray Vander Laan)
- The Center for Judaic Christian Studies (Dwight Pryor)
- En-Gedi Resource Center
- Jerusalem Perspective
- NT Wright Page
- Bar-Ilan University’s Parashat Hashavua Study Center
- Biblical Archaeology Review
- Hebrew For Christians
- Glo Bible
- Berean to Berean
Videos / DVDs
- That The World May Know – Faith Lessons ~ Ray Vander Laan
- Unveiling the Kingdom of Heaven (and book) ~ Dwight Pryor
- Behold the Man (and book) ~ Dwight Pryor
- Nooma Films ~ Rob Bell
Bible Software (for in-depth study)
- Accordance
- Logos
- BibleWorks
Map Studies
- Biblical Backgrounds (Regions on the Run & Study Maps)
- Zondervan Atlas of the Bible (Carl Rasmussen)
- The Carta Bible Atlas (Aharoni, Avi-Yonah, Rainey & Safrai)
- The New Moody Atlas of the Bible (Barry Beitzel)
- The Sacred Bridge (Anson F. Rainey & R. Steven Notley)
Bible Dictionaries
- Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary
- Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary
Pictures of Biblical Sites
- Holy Land Photos (Carl Rasmussen)
- Bible Places (Todd Bolen)
Study Bibles
- ESV (English Standard Version) Study Bible
- Archaeological Study Bible (NIV)
- TNIV (Today’s New International Version) Study Bible
- The Jewish Study Bible
Hebrew Bible Commentaries
- Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary (OT)
- The IVP Bible Background Commentary: Old Testament (Walton, Matthews, & Chavalas)
- JPS Torah Commentary
- The Chumash (Stone Edition)
New Testament Commentaries
- Jewish New Testament Commentary (David H. Stern)
- The IVP Bible Background Commentary: New Testament (Craig S. Keener)
- For Everyone Series (Tom Wright)
- A Rabbinic Commentary on the New Testament: Matthew, Mark & Luke (Samuel Tobias Lachs)
Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith / Absolute Must Reads
- Sitting at the Feet of Rabbi Jesus (Ann Spangler & Lois Tverberg)
- Our Father Abraham: Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith (Marvin Wilson)
- Between God and Man (Abraham Joshua Heschel)
- In a Word: Lessons from the Language of the Wilderness (George DeJong)
- Greatness, Grace & Glory: Carta’s Atlas of Biblical Biography (Paul H. Wright)
Books on Jesus
- New Light on the Difficult Words of Jesus (David Bivin)
- The Sage from Galilee: Rediscovering Jesus’ Genius (Flusser, Notley, & Charlesworth)
- The Challenge of Jesus (NT Wright)
- Jesus the Jewish Theologian (Brad Young)
- Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes (Kenneth Bailey)
- With Jesus through Galilee According to the Fifth Gospel (Bargil Pixner)
- With Jesus in Jerusalem: His First and Last Days in Judea (Bargil Pixner)
- The New Testament and the People of God (NT Wright)
- Jesus and the Victory of God (NT Wright)
- The Resurrection of the Son of God (NT Wright)
- Understanding the Difficult Words of Jesus (Roy Blizzard & David Bivin)
Books on the Parables
- Stories with Intent (Klyne Snodgrass)
- The Parables (Brad Young)
- The Parables of Jesus (Arland Hultgren)
- Poet & Peasant and Through Peasant Eyes (Kenneth Bailey)
- Jesus and His Jewish Parables (Brad Young)
Books on Paul
- Paul the Jewish Theologian (Brad Young)
- In Search of Paul (John Dominic Crossan and Jonathan L. Reed)
- What Saint Paul Really Said (NT Wright)
- Paul: In Fresh Perspective (NT Wright)
- Paul Among Jews & Gentiles (Krister Stendahl)
- Paul and Rabbinic Judaism: Some Rabbinic Elements in Pauline Theology (W.D. Davies)
- St. Paul The Traveler & Roman Citizen (Ramsay, Wilson-ed.)
Rabbis / Rabbinic Writings / Rabbinic Judaism
- Everyman’s Talmud: The Major Teachings of the Rabbinic Sages (Abraham Cohen)
- Meet the Rabbis (Brad Young)
- Theology in Rabbinic Stories (Chaim Pearl)
- Rabbinic Stories (Jeffrey L. Rubenstein & Shaye J. D. Cohen)
- The Mishnah: A New Translation (Jacob Neusner)
- The New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism (David Daube)
Narrative Books
- The Source (James Michener)
- The Shadow of God (Leo Dupree Sandgren)
- Echoes of His Presence (Ray Vander Laan)
- Gift of the Jews (Thomas Cahill)
- Desire of Everlasting Hills (Thomas Cahill)
The Bible & Archaeology
- Life in Biblical Israel (Philip King & Lawrence Stager)
- Jesus and His World: An Archaeological and Cultural Dictionary (John J. Rousseau and Rami Arav)
- Jesus and Archaeology (James H. Charlesworth)
- The Archaeology of the Bible (James K. Hoffmeier)
- The Letter and the Scroll: What Archaeology Tells Us About the Bible (Robin Currie & Stephen Hyslop)
- The Holy Land: An Oxford Archaeological Guide (Jerome Murphy-O’Connor)
Archaeology (More In-Depth)
- Archaeology of the Land of the Bible: 10,000-586 B.C.E. Vol. 1 (Amihai Mazar)
- Archaeology of the Land of the Bible: The Assyrian, Babylonian, and Persian Periods (732-332 B.C.E.), Vol. 2 (Ephraim Stern)
- The Archaeology of Ancient Israel (Amnon Ben-Tor)
- The New Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land (Vols. 1-5)
Floral and Fauna of the Bible
- Nature in Our Biblical Heritage (Nogah Hareuveni)
- Tree and Shrub in Our Biblical Heritage (Nogah Hareuveni)
- Desert and Shepherd in Our Biblical Heritage (Nogah Hareuveni)
Egypt Study
- History of Ancient Egypt: An Introduction (Erik Hornung)
- The British Museum Book of Ancient Egypt (Stephen Quirke & Jeffrey Spencer)
- Israel in Egypt (James K. Hoffmeier)
- God Is a Warrior (Tremper Longman III & Daniel G. Reid)
- Exploring Exodus: The Origins of Biblical Israel (Nahum Sarna)
- Exodus: Interpretation, a Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching (Terence E. Frethei)
- The Complete God’s and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt (Richard Wilkinson)
- The Complete Temples of Ancient Egypt (Richard Wilkinson)
- The Complete Valley of the Kings (Nicholas Reeves & Richard Wilkinson)
Other Helpful Books
- What Do Jewish People Think about Jesus?: And Other Questions Christians Ask about Jewish Beliefs, Practices, and History (Michael Brown)
- Jewish Holidays (Michael Strassfeld)
- The Bible As It Was (James L. Kugal)
- A History of Israel: Fourth Edition (John Bright)
- The New Complete Works of Josephus ~ (William Whiston & Paul L. Maier)
- Buried Treasure (Rabbi Daniel Lapin)
- Listening to the Language of the Bible (Lois Tverberg & Bruce Okkema)
- God in Search of Man (Abraham Joshua Heschel)
- The Sabbath (Abraham Joshua Heschel)
- The Dignity of Difference (Rabbi Jonathan Sacks)
Upcoming Tours
We would love to walk with you in the Holy Land. Here are upcoming opportunities:
All trip dates subject to change.