Out of Egypt, Into a Good Land
Experience God's redemptive story through big hikes and insights
Experience God’s Word and the redemptive story in new and deeper ways as we explore the Pyramids, Valley of the Kings, and climb Sinai. This tour includes climbing and overnighting under the stars atop St. Catherine’s, the tallest peak of the Sinai mountains. Set your heart on the lessons of the wilderness where God shapes His people as we visit Petra and climb Mt. Nebo. Share in Jesus’ ministry in the Galilee and savor His great love in His journey to Jerusalem and the cross.
Our Out of Egypt trips are strenuous.
Sample Lessons
Trip Info |
Cost |
$5000* |
Duration | 15 days* | |
Physicality | Demanding | |
Locations |
Egypt Jordan Israel |
Scheduled Tours: |
*Tour amounts and durations can fluctuate slightly based on the season — this value represents a close approximation.
Travel provided by GTI Tours.
Ask tour-specific questions about cost and dates by email or call (800) 829-8234.
Are any of these true of you?
Do you find the Bible difficult to understand at times?
Do you desire to have a deeper relationship with God?
Do you struggle to find relevance in what you're reading in the Scripture?
Do you ever feel overwhelmed trying to study the Bible?
Do you ever wonder if you're missing out on what the Bible is saying?
Do you want to be more confident in your ability to interpret the Bible correctly?
If so, a study tour can help!
Led by George DeJong | Join This Study Tour! |
What to Expect on Your Study Tour
Under the Fig Tree study tours are not the typical "tours" where tourist sites drive the tour.
We view our study tour ministry as a message to be experienced, one from which God will seek fruit. Signing on to travel with George will involve going to a variety of key biblical sites along with ones not found on typical tours.
The daily itinerary is subject to change without notice from flight & hotel availability and other tour constraints.
The Great Pyramids
Marvel at the size and grandeur of the Great Pyramids from the Old Kingdom of ancient Egypt.
Explore the temples of the ancient capital of the New Kingdom of Egypt.
Mount Catherine
Climb the tallest peak in the Sinai peninsula and camp under the stars.
Wander the Siq of Petra and learn about the Nabatean kingdom and their vast networks of water sources.
The Dead Sea
Float in the Dead Sea and explore the lessons surrounding the lowest place on Earth.
Discover the anceint decapolis city of Jerash and experience what a modern Roman city looked like.
Walk where Jesus started his ministry and visits familiar towns like Capernaum, Korazim, and Bethsaida
Sea of Galilee
Swim in the sea Jesus called his disciples from.
Walk the last days of Jesus' time on earth.
Spiritual Preparation
With great confidence I can say that there was never a day in the life of Jesus, our Messiah, when He did not lift His hands toward heaven and declare to the Father:
Shema Israel, Adonai elohenu, Adonai echad,
Ve’ahavta et Adonai eloeikah,
b’khol levavkah,
uve’khol naphshekah,
uve’khol m’odekah.
Ve’ahavta re acha comocha.
Hear O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord alone,
love the Lord your God
with all your heart,
with all your soul,
and with all your strength!
Love your neighbor as yourself.
(Deut 6:4,5 & Lev 19:18)
Would you please start hiding the Sh’ma away in your heart in Hebrew and English.
We will be using this prayer many times throughout our experience.
Physical Preparation
Typical Day
A normal day begins with a wake up call at 6:00 am, breakfast at 6:30, devotions at 7:00 am and by 7:15 we’re on our way. In order to accomplish what God sets out for us to experience, the majority of our days involve vigorous hiking. We travel to our various sites by bus where our hikes begin.
It is at these locations where God’s word is studied in its context through onsite faith lessons.
Lunch tends to fall between 2:00-3:00pm and will be served on location. At the end of the day, we will arrive at our hotel in the late evening for a wonderful dinner and welcomed sleep.
Hiking Boots!
You will need a good, sturdy pair of boots which provide good ankle support. Obtain them well in advance and break them in thoroughly before your departure. Having a high quality, well broken in pair of boots is essential in benefiting the most from this experience.
Physical Preparations
As you get ready for your trip to Egypt, Jordan, and Israel, you should prepare for 6 to 10 miles of vigorous to strenuous hiking/climbing/walking each day of the trip. You will profit greatly by training long before departure for these physical fitness requirements. The trip will be more meaningful, educational and fun if you prepare in advance for the activity level you will experience.
Helpful types of training:
- Hiking stairs for at least 30-45 minutes (with your boots) is most beneficial
- Daily walking/running 3-5 miles
- Weightlifting with legs
- Walking on treadmill with an incline (4 or higher)
You should consult your physician concerning these requirements and any medications or conditions which may have an impact on your ability to participate fully. Prescription drugs you anticipate using during the trip should be packed with some in your suitcase and some in your carry on. We suggest you bring along a written prescription as well, it can be filled if needed. Please contact your health provider to check your coverage when traveling outside the United States. Traveling to the lands of the Bible requires no immunizations though you’ll want to be sure your tetanus shot is current.
Clothing & Modesty Kits
Casual dress is recommended such as lightweight pants/shorts and t-shirts (shoulders must be covered at all times – men and women). Dry-wicking material is recommended. A lightweight hat is a must, preferably one that covers the neck and ears. If you prefer to dress up somewhat for dinner, that is certainly appropriate but not necessary. Many times we will eat in our hiking attire.
At several sites Modesty Kits are required. A Modesty Kit for women includes either long pants or long skirts or Capri and shirts that cover the shoulder. For men this includes long pants, t-shirts/golf shirts covering the shoulders.
Weather – It will be hot
The rainy season is November through April. May through October temperatures will be warm and dry ranging from the 90’s up to 115 degrees. Lows are usually in the 60’s.
Gadgets & Gear
The modern age has its blessings and its curses. With all the great toys out there, it is tempting to want the best, fastest and most sophisticated. I know – I’m one of them. Please think about bringing minimal electronic gear and gadgets (I know this will be hard for some). I am not saying forget the camera and all the rest – I’m just saying be careful. I will ask that NO cell phones (unless used as a camera) or IPods be brought with us during the day. Sometimes people experience an entire trip through their modern gear and not with their God-given five senses. Please don’t miss out.
Sorry, no electronic recording of faith lessons.
First Aid
Bring first-aid supplies, including anti-diarrhea medication, sleeping aids, pain relievers, mole skin, foot powder, alcohol rubs. And anything else you might think appropriate.
College Credit
Oklahoma Wesleyan University Biblical Studies Abroad

Under the Fig Tree | Kensington Tours |
Double Occupancy | ||
Lunch & Dinner Included | ||
Port Taxes & Fees | ||
Ground transfers | ||
Tips |
Egypt | ||
Jordan | ||
Jerusalem | ||
Galilee | ||
History Lessons | ||
Faith Lessons |
Fare | $5000 | $10598 |
Airfare | Included | Included |
Total |
$5000 |
$10598 |
*Competitor prices were last checked in September, 2019
— Dennis, Out of Egypt 2019
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