God has placed a passion in our hearts to develop tours to the Holy Land for participants with limited mobility. We are excited to be in the planning phase of this tour. More tour information coming soon!

Trip Info

Cost $4500*
Duration 10 days*
Physicality Moderate
Locations Egypt
Scheduled Tours:
2025 TBD
Led by George DeJong
Notify Me When Registration Opens

*Tour amounts and durations can fluctuate slightly based on the season — this value represents a close approximation.
Travel provided by GTI Tours. Ask tour-specific questions about cost and dates by email or call 1 (800) 829-8234.

Are any of these true of you?

Do you find the Bible difficult to understand at times?

Do you desire to have a deeper relationship with God?

Do you struggle to find relevance in what you're reading in the Scripture?

Do you ever feel overwhelmed trying to study the Bible?

Do you ever wonder if you're missing out on what the Bible is saying?

Do you want to be more confident in your ability to interpret the Bible correctly?

If so, a study tour can help!

2025 TBD
Led by George DeJong
Notify Me When Registration Opens

What to Expect on Your Study Tour

Under the Fig Tree study tours are not the typical "tours" where tourist sites drive the tour.

We view our study tour ministry as a message to be experienced, one from which God will seek fruit. Signing on to travel with George will involve going to a variety of key biblical sites along with ones not found on typical tours.

Spiritual Preparation

With great confidence I can say that there was never a day in the life of Jesus, our Messiah, when He did not lift His hands toward heaven and declare to the Father:

Shema Israel, Adonai elohenu, Adonai echad, Ve’ahavta et Adonai eloeikah, b’khol levavkah, uve’khol naphshekah, uve’khol m’odekah. Ve’ahavta re acha comocha.
Hear O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord alone, love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength! Love your neighbor as yourself.
(Deut 6:4,5 & Lev 19:18)

Would you please start hiding the Sh’ma away in your heart in Hebrew and English. We will be using this prayer many times throughout our experience.


"I never thought I'd be able to travel to land that seemed so far and distant in locaton and culture. Under the Fig Tree has crafted a truly amazing experience for those with limited mobility."

— Seni, Through the Roof 2019

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